Why Aren’t My Orthotics Working Anymore?

Why Aren’t My Orthotics Working Anymore?

Why Aren’t My Orthotics Working Anymore? If you’ve met Dr. Melhuish, or you’re a regular reader of this blog, you probably already know how we feel about orthotics. But we’ll re-summarize anyway. Simply put, orthotics are among the most versatile and effective...
The Link Between Biomechanics And Pain

The Link Between Biomechanics And Pain

The Link Between Biomechanics And Pain Talk to just about any podiatrist, and you might eventually hear some variation on the following phrase: Feet are your foundation. We don’t say that just because it sounds good, or makes a convincing sales pitch. We say it...
What You Eat Affects Your Feet

What You Eat Affects Your Feet

What You Eat Affects Your Feet How is that new year’s resolution to eat healthier going? It’s okay even if you’ve cheated a bit here and there, but let’s review how important a healthy diet really is to improving and maintaining your overall health. It’s been said,...