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Finding The Proper Foot Balance And Alignment

Finding The Proper Foot Balance And Alignment

Yin and yang, work and play, day and night: everything needs balance in your life, and that includes your feet! When you have poor foot balance, this can throw your whole body off, causing problems in your feet, knees, hips, and back. These problems can be multiplied...

Tell Stress Fractures To Take A Hike

Tell Stress Fractures To Take A Hike

Have you ever seen a split in a log or tree while hiking? How about a crack in your favorite water bottle before taking a swig? A stress fracture of the bone isn't much different. Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone that will develop from overuse. If you've...

Control Edema: Say No To Swelling!

Control Edema: Say No To Swelling!

The average golf ball has about 300 to 500 dimples. These divots on the ball can have quite the impact on its trajectory—they optimize the air flowing around the ball by increasing the lift and decreasing the drag. In fact, if there were no dimples on a golf ball, it...

Hallux Varus: Keep Your Big Toe From Drifting Away

Hallux Varus: Keep Your Big Toe From Drifting Away

On the shoreline of an ocean or lake, you can often find pieces of driftwood. These particles may have floated hundreds or even thousands of miles to reach their destination on this particular strip of beach. Your big toe doesn’t need travel that far, but when it...

Common Foot Deformities — Causes And Treatment Options

Common Foot Deformities — Causes And Treatment Options

Pain is one thing. All of us deal with it at one time or another—headaches, bruises, sore shoulders or knees. You get the idea. But when your feet literally change shape over time, developing bumps and misalignments that weren’t there before . . . Now we’re talking...

How To Avoid Blisters And Black Toenails From Running

How To Avoid Blisters And Black Toenails From Running

Running is a popular activity, one that is quite natural for the human body. As a species, running was absolutely essential for our early survival. In fact, some current anthropological experts theorize that our endurance in long-distance running gave early humans an...

Orthotics For Young, Old, And Every Age Between!

Orthotics For Young, Old, And Every Age Between!

We might not think about it too often (if at all), but our feet give each of us the opportunity to do so much. Sure, standing and walking—to say nothing of running and jumping—are a given, but we even rely on our trusty lower appendages to operate the gas and brake...

How To Cut Back On A World Full Of Sugar

How To Cut Back On A World Full Of Sugar

Halloween is just the beginning. You’ll have all the trick-or-treat candy. And even if you don’t, the post-holiday candy sales will be staring you right in the face. You might have a week or two of smoother sailing after that, but then Thanksgiving rears its head,...

Solving Sesamoiditis Pain

Solving Sesamoiditis Pain

Kneecaps are the biggest sesamoid bones in your body. They are not connected to any other bone, they are simply connected to tendons or placed within muscle. Your knee cap is a lot bigger than the sesamoid bones in your foot, which are the size of a corn kernel!...

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