Our Blog
Do Not Let Achilles Tendinitis Put a Freeze to Your Season
If you are a runner or other outdoor enthusiast around here, you must admit we’re pretty lucky compared to other places. Things can get cold, certainly, but we rarely get plunged into a deep enough freeze to put a major halt to routines. If you’re able to add some...
Everything You Need to Know About MLS Laser Therapy
Sierra Foot & Ankle is proud to offer some of the most cutting-edge treatments available right here at our office – and this includes MLS laser therapy! The MLS, or Multiwave Lock System, is a highly advanced, safe, effective, and proven breakthrough in laser...
How to Manage Gout During the Holiday Season
The holidays provide an interesting blend of family, friends, food and, well … stress and exhaustion! We all love spending time with the favorite people in our lives, and the holidays certainly provide many opportunities to do just that! Of course, this also comes...
How to Manage Your RA Symptoms (With Custom Orthotics)
If you are one of the 1.5 million Americans suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) today, then you may be relieved to know that there are many options available to help manage your condition! In fact, conservative treatment methods may be all you need to get back to...
Why Aren’t My Orthotics Working Anymore?
If you’ve met Dr. Melhuish, or you’re a regular reader of this blog, you probably already know how we feel about orthotics. But we’ll re-summarize anyway. Simply put, orthotics are among the most versatile and effective treatment options we have for all sorts of...
How Custom Orthotics Can Help Relieve Your Pain
Custom orthotics and supports are by far one of the most versatile treatment tools we have to help our patients find relief from pain caused by biomechanical imbalance. Their potential rises even higher thanks to our specialized Go 4-D technology providing even more...
The Link Between Biomechanics And Pain
Talk to just about any podiatrist, and you might eventually hear some variation on the following phrase: Feet are your foundation. We don’t say that just because it sounds good, or makes a convincing sales pitch. We say it because it’s the truth. All the physical...
What You Eat Affects Your Feet
How is that new year’s resolution to eat healthier going? It’s okay even if you’ve cheated a bit here and there, but let’s review how important a healthy diet really is to improving and maintaining your overall health. It’s been said, what you get out depends on what...
Ease Your Foot And Ankle Arthritis This Summer!
Summer is a beautiful season in and around Carson City, Lake Tahoe, and the Sierra Nevada. Gorgeous weather, beautiful colors, and all the outdoor activities you could want—swimming, hiking, biking, fishing, camping, or whatever you like best. Of course, if you’re...
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Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701
Call: (775) 783-8037
Text: (775) 783-8037
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