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Back To School Catch-Up—Shoe Shopping For Kids

Back To School Catch-Up—Shoe Shopping For Kids

It’s hard to believe that kids have been back in school for more than a month now! Although the end of summer and return to structure can be tough for the little ones, hopefully they’ve settled nicely into their academic routines. And besides, with new sports to play,...

How To Fix A Wobbly Walking Stride

How To Fix A Wobbly Walking Stride

Have you ever watched someone try on a pair of high heels for the first time—or maybe remember the experience yourself? The sense of wobbliness and instability is pretty perilous at first. Unfortunately, for many people, a wobbly walking stride isn’t just a side...

Lumps On Your Arch? Could Be Plantar Fibromas

Lumps On Your Arch? Could Be Plantar Fibromas

When you’re afraid or sad, you might say that you have a “lump in your throat.” The phrase means that your throat is constricted due to intense emotions. You might be choked up or overwhelmed with just about everything—life is pretty hard sometimes! You might even...

Heel Fissures: How To Heal Your Heels

Heel Fissures: How To Heal Your Heels

Heel fissures appear as dry, cracked grooves on the bottom of the feet. Just like a series of rivers, they intertwine along the heel, resulting in a cosmetically unappealing appearance. However, in this case, beauty is more than skin deep. This condition is more than...

Understanding Foot Allergies

Understanding Foot Allergies

When you think about allergies, the first things that come to mind are sneezing, itchy eyes, and running noses. What you may not consider is that it is possible to have foot allergies, and these are going to have different symptoms. The conditions are likely going to...

How To Keep Ingrown Toenails From Coming Back

How To Keep Ingrown Toenails From Coming Back

Anybody can get an ingrown toenail once or twice in a lifetime, due to an unfortunate accident or a bad pair of shoes. These instances can be very frustrating, but ultimately not too big a deal—you get them fixed, and you move on.If ingrown toenails keep coming back...

How To Bury The Pain Of Capsulitis

How To Bury The Pain Of Capsulitis

A can of Coke, a letter for your future self, an old iPod, and a newspaper clipping: What would you put in your time capsule? In years to come, this preservation of seemingly meaningless artifacts will become very precious, even if you don’t think it is when you bury...

Winter Foot Care For Diabetes

Winter Foot Care For Diabetes

If you or a loved one has diabetes, you are probably already aware of the extra steps you need to take to ensure feet stay safe and free from injuries and wounds. (If you don’t, the elevator version is that you should be carefully checking your feet every day—and...

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