How To Fix A Wobbly Walking Stride

by | Aug 11, 2018

Have you ever watched someone try on a pair of high heels for the first time—or maybe remember the experience yourself? The sense of wobbliness and instability is pretty perilous at first.

Unfortunately, for many people, a wobbly walking stride isn’t just a side effect of impractical pumps. Feet and ankles may become unstable for a variety of reasons, including weakening muscles and ligaments due to aging or lack of activity, or a series of ankle sprains that never quite fully healed.

If you suffer from this ankle instability, you’re not alone. Fortunately, Sierra Foot & Ankle offers a number of possible treatment options that can help you fix your stride, regain your balance, and improve your mobility. These may include:

  • Physical therapy. We can recommend a program of stretches and exercises designed to strengthen the muscles supporting your ankle, improve your balance, and retrain your joints to learn a more stable stride.
  • Bracing. Braces are a great tool to help keep your ankle from rolling or giving way. We often use balance braces with seniors to help minimize fall risk, but braces can also be used for younger people and athletes to protect a wobbly ankle after an injury.
  • Functional orthotics. Unlike ordinary insoles, which only add cushioning and support, functional orthotics are designed to correct irregular motion in your walking gait. The right orthotic device will actually realign and retrain your joints, putting you in better posture and help make your stride more stable. We have our own on-site orthotics lab, so we’re one of the very best at getting you exactly the device you need quickly and easily.
  • Surgery. Although we always prefer to treat foot and ankle conditions conservatively if possible, ligaments that have been significantly damaged may require surgical repair.







If a wobbly walking stride is keeping you from enjoying the active lifestyle you desire, let Dr. Victoria Melhuish in Carson City help you get past your struggles. Our job is to thoroughly evaluate your condition, talk with you about your needs and goals, and customize a treatment course that gets you where you need to be as quickly and effectively as possible.  To set up an appointment in Carson City, NV, give us a call today at (775) 783-8037.

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Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701


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