Maintaining Diabetic Foot Care at Home

by | Apr 28, 2020

Humans, largely, are creatures of habit. So when something—such as the COVID-19 pandemic—causes the way we live our lives to shift, it can disrupt many parts of our lives.

One area where this especially counts is with diabetic foot care. Without daily attention and care, small problems can quickly develop into large ones that may seriously jeopardize your health and safety.

There is always much you can do at home to take care of yourself and your feet. If you find yourself staying in your own residence longer than usual these days, it’s worth revitalizing your diabetic foot care routine to keep you on your toes.

Inspect Your Feet Every Day

If you have ever discussed diabetic foot care with us or any other medical professional, you know that daily foot checks are critical for your long-term health. Over time, the effects of diabetes can leave you largely unaware of what is happening to your own feet.

Daily self-inspection is your way fight off any gradual decline and keep you more alert about matters that need prompt treatment to avoid severe complications. Even when your feet feel fine reinforcing healthy habits now will not only intensify your home healthcare, but you will know your own feet well enough to tell right away when something isn’t right.

Set a time that is convenient for you (before or after a shower; before or after bedtime) to check and feel along your feet for anything that shouldn’t be there. If you find something that isn’t normal for your feet, let us know about it and we will get you in for an appointment!

Keep Your Shoes On

Most people with diabetes are encouraged to wear shoes even indoors for protection purposes.

If your feet suddenly go for prolonged periods of time without supportive footwear a common repercussion is heel or arch pain. Don’t go barefoot all day long and don’t wear slippers all day long. Doing this day after day leads to getting sore feet. 

If you have supportive footwear, having shoes on at least part of the day may be help prevent heel or arch strain or other injuries. 







Keep Moving

Circulatory health is crucial for the long-term well-being of your feet, and a sedentary lifestyle (which is easy to fall into during Stay-at-Home periods) does not contribute well to that.

Just as recommended for work: Take a few minutes each hour to get up, stretch, and walk around—even if it’s just inside your house. (If you can get outside while maintaining proper social distancing, all the better!)

Include some stretching and light foot and ankle exercises into your daily habits and routine.  Heel raises, wall-supported calf stretches, and towel stretches are easy to do and don’t need much room at all.

Keep Your Pathways Clear

Now is a great time tidy up around the house, especially around entryways, stairs, and high-traffic areas. Keeping your home clear from obstacles where you walk can help prevent bumps, falls, and other injuries. Make sure cords are secured, piles of shoes and other items are not in the way, and any rails or bannisters you have are stable.

Get the Diabetic Foot Help You Need, When You Need It

Above all, the sooner you address pitfalls and problems, the lower the odds that they will snowball into a disaster.

We remain here for all our patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing urgent foot and ankle needs. You better believe we consider our diabetic patients’ urgent priorities!

If you have questions, are seeking advice, or something just doesn’t seem right, call our Carson City office at (775) 783-8037. If you prefer, you may also reach us via our online contact form.

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2350 South Carson St
Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701


Call: (775) 783-8037
Fax: (775) 782-3787

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